We are pleased to announce that the Governance Platform is now open to all Lunar DAO Members.
Moving forward, this will be the primary platform for information about the DAO. We've put a ton of effort into assembling all the information you've been asking for, and we will be constantly updating it with new details as we continue to ship amazing software.
It works best on Desktop, but is still usable on mobile. We hope to allow logins from the Circle mobile app soon.
Make sure you connect a wallet that has at least 1 LNR in it. If you don't, you'll get bounced out and may have to clear your cookies to get back in.
After you've connected, make sure to change your "Full Name", uncheck "Make my email publicly visible", and allow notifications. (Check the screenshot below)
After you accept the Terms of Use, make sure you introduce yourself, check out the FAQs, see the status of the current LIPs, and visit the Lunar Living Roadmap.
Change your name, uncheck "make my email visible", and enable notifications
Using your Ledger with the Governance Platform
By @stoked0598
Connect hardware wallet via Metamask
Connect your Metamask to Ethereum Mainnet (This makes signing in easier, but the authentication process will still check that wallet's LNR balance on the BNB chain)
Select your Ledger from "my accounts" list
On your Ledger select the "Ethereum" chain/app
Head over to https://governance.lunar.io. Select "Continue with your Lunar Account", then follow the prompts
The login in process from Lunar will initiate a Metamask popup to sign the transaction which must be confirmed on your Ledger first
Move back to Metamask and "Sign" the transaction
We hope you enjoy this new insight into our shared mission and wish you all a very Happy Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa!